e-mail: dems.orovalley@gmail.com

Helping the Obama Campaign $10 at a time.

Give Obama a Congress that will work with him!

The Obama Campaign needs to know you are with them. Click on this link and donate $10, you will be on the National Campaign's weekly e-mail reports list. Opportunities abound for grass-roots volunteers, a small donation puts you on the supporters list.

````````There is NO doubt, the Republicans in control of the Legislature, and all of state government in Arizona have funded Corporate Tax Dodges, Tax Cuts and special Corporation legislative favors on the backs of school children and with extreme reductions in funding for Public Education. The children of Arizona are expected to do with less educational opportunities so the elected GOP officals can pay back their wealthy campaign donors. ```````````````````````

Andrei Cherny, Arizona Democratic Party Chairman “Arizona Republicans hold all the power, and they’ve used it for all the wrong things. The result is that jobs are nowhere to be found, schools are forgotten, and our communities are silenced. We won’t stand for it, and we will hold them accountable in 2012 so Arizona can get back on the right track.”

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Protect Pima County from the Phoenix Tea Party

Protect Pima County from the Phoenix Tea Party:  Elect Nancy Young Wright, Supervisor, District One 

FRIENDS, WE’RE UP AGAINST TEA PARTY CANDIDATE Ally Miller, who now claims it’s “name calling” to say she’s a member of the Tea Party Patriots. The Tea Party would shrink government until it could no longer function and provide vital services. Miller opposes holding developers responsible for sewers, roads, and parks, and opposes conservation of our Sonoran Desert. She’s in favor of the Rosemont Mine. She wants to raise taxes and compromise our community’s health. At least three Independent groups with Maricopa County and developer connections will be sending out hit pieces against me. You know my leadership experience and my interest in representing all District 1 voters. Please double-down and support my campaign today — contribute if you can, and volunteer if you have time.

There’s too much riding on this election to let Miller win. Our roads, our water supply, GED funding, mental health facilities and much more are at stake.

 Please visit NancyYoungWright.com for more information.

From the DOV Sept, 2012, newsletter


ANDREA WITTE, “The Connect the Dots Lady”

ANDREA WITTE, “The Connect the Dots Lady” returns to the Democrats of Oro Valley with an all new presentation to help us understand the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCares). “All other industrialized democracies... have found different ways to cover everybody while spending far less than America and getting better overall results… Let’s examine the problems in our healthcare system and see how the Affordable Care Act addresses those problems and where it falls short.”

The presentation includes the “Affordable Care Act’s Top 10 Benefits already in Effect” and “Healthcare Around The World.” Find out what changes will be coming on January 1st 2014.

See Andrea Witte’s site: connectthedotsusa.com

From the DOV Sept, 2012, newsletter





JO HOLT CAMPAIGN CORNER: Ideology As Distraction in Arizona

JO HOLT CAMPAIGN CORNER: Ideology As Distraction in Arizona  

THE MAJORITY OF THOSE IN OUR STATE LEGISLATURE profess the belief that government has just become too big and too intrusive, and that they will work to “shrink government.” But, in practice, they keep pushing the state to take more and more control away from the federal government, even going so far as to ask the voters to support “state sovereignty” this fall. Of course, additional responsibilities require a larger state government than we currently have. Hmm, could it be that some lofty ideology is not driving the decision making process in Phoenix? Sure, the smaller-government mantra sounds good to many voters. But it also serves as cover for a well-worn political agenda focused on money and control.
Our legislators may want to defend their decisions with morals and ideology, but it’s time for the rest of us to simply follow the money instead.  

From the DOV Sept, 2012, newsletter

The REAL TEA PARTY: Not a revolt against taxation

The REAL TEA PARTY:  Not a revolt against taxation  

THE REAL BOSTON TEA PARTY was, in part, a revolt against the British Crown’s huge corporate tax cuts for the powerful British East India Company, (the Wal-Mart of its time) allowing them to dump cheap tea on America which would wipe out New England based tea wholesalers, mom-and-pop shops and take over the tea business in America. There’s more to it, for the fascinating details, check it out in any decent history book or online source! Confound your modern Tea Party friends and relatives!  

From the DOV Sept, 2012, newsletter



With November fast approaching, now is the perfect time for all of us to UNITE behind our Democratic candidates. Ann will fight to protect Social Security, Medicare, and the benefits that our veterans so honorably earned through their service. She recognizes the significance of investing in a sound public education system and in local infrastructure to jumpstart our economy. Ann is ready to stand up for the middle class and to serve Oro Valley and the rest of Arizona's largest Congressional District. She would like to thank DOV members for their crucial role in the success of the NW Democrats Office (200 W. Magee) and she invites you to stop by and meet Team Kirkpatrick any day of the week! 

The only way we can bring back rational discourse and common sense to politics in Arizona and Washington is with YOUR HELP. 


Contact Zak Royse: 602-999-5659 or zroyse@forwardaz.com. 

From the DOV Sept, 2012, newsletter