e-mail: dems.orovalley@gmail.com

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Give Obama a Congress that will work with him!

The Obama Campaign needs to know you are with them. Click on this link and donate $10, you will be on the National Campaign's weekly e-mail reports list. Opportunities abound for grass-roots volunteers, a small donation puts you on the supporters list.

````````There is NO doubt, the Republicans in control of the Legislature, and all of state government in Arizona have funded Corporate Tax Dodges, Tax Cuts and special Corporation legislative favors on the backs of school children and with extreme reductions in funding for Public Education. The children of Arizona are expected to do with less educational opportunities so the elected GOP officals can pay back their wealthy campaign donors. ```````````````````````

Andrei Cherny, Arizona Democratic Party Chairman “Arizona Republicans hold all the power, and they’ve used it for all the wrong things. The result is that jobs are nowhere to be found, schools are forgotten, and our communities are silenced. We won’t stand for it, and we will hold them accountable in 2012 so Arizona can get back on the right track.”

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Your money is safe and in good hands.

PAUL BARBY is Treasurer of the Legislative District 26 precinct organization.  Today we received a short note from Paul that hit on several tender spots.  The Arizona Legislature is not the only one with a solid extremist right-wing agenda.  Check out this Texas Legislature agenda.

Down in Rick Perry's Red Texas, there are still a few Democrats willing to throw a punch and not take any crap from right wing Republicans.  Exhibit A: State Senator Rodney Ellis of Houston.  First you can take advantage of membership in our club, we need you!

Democrats of Oro Valley (DOV)   We support enthusiastic participation in the democratic process and encourage our fellow citizens to join us in preserving our unique and historic Arizona environment.  Democrats of Oro Valley club is ONLY $15 a year.  
Join and advance the progressive leadership for Oro Valley and Northwest Pima County,  print the membership form and mail to:       The Democrats of Oro Valley, PO Box 68186, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

When you mail your membership check send an e-mail to Paul so he can add your name to our membership immediately.  "Paul Barby" pmbarby@earthlink.net    You will be placed on our club
mailing list to receive group announcements, meeting reminders, and the DOV monthly newsletter.

Back to the note from Paul with regards to State Senator Rodney Ellis of Houston, Texas

The right wing corporate front group, Empower Texans, recently released its 2011 legislative scorecard, with the usual grades for anyone not on the side of Voldermort and the usual Republican campaign donors.   Senator Ellis apparently received an F from this uber-conservative group and decided to share his feelings on the matter.    (Here is his letter.)

August 24, 2011
Michael Quinn Sullivan
Empower Texans
PO Box 200248
Austin, TX 78720

Dear Mr. Sullivan:
Thank you for your letter regarding Empower Texans 2011 legislative scorecard. Upon reading it, my first thought was of George Bernard Shaw, who responded to one of his critics thusly: "I am sitting in the smallest room of my house. Your critique is in front of me. Shortly it will be behind me."

Then I realized this thought was perhaps too harsh and too confrontational for, in fact, I am proud to have earned an "F" from Empower Texans for my work in the 82nd legislature. I know I am doing things right in Austin, and would seriously question both my judgment and values were I to receive any higher grade.

I am proud to have opposed Voter ID, which does nothing to protect the sanctity of the ballot and is designed only to limit the participation of the disenfranchised.  (Road Block to voting!)

I am proud to have fought against those who held the Rainy Day Fund hostage and to use an additional $3 billion to alleviate devastating cuts to vital programs.  (Devastating cuts, sound familiar?)

I am proud to have voted for other bills that would have reduced the impact of those cuts, and to get rid of tax loopholes that provide billions in tax breaks to huge oil companies even as we cut funding for our children's schools and health care.  (Tax loopholes,  tax breaks,  cuts to schools and health care.  Hitting home?)

I am proud to have voted against hypocritical "look at me" votes calling on Congress to balance the federal budget while we failed to actually balance our own, and against the interests of the predatory payday loan industry. (Arizona voters took care of payday lenders.)

I will wear my "F" grade from Empower Texans as a badge of honor and look forward to further disappointing you in the future.  (Hey, Norquist, how about that pledge?)

To paraphrase the greatest President of the 20th Century, Franklin Delano Roosevelt: I welcome your hatred. After all, I'd much rather be a champion of the powerless than a lickspittle of the powerful.

Rodney Ellis

We need more legislators like this fighting Texan.

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