e-mail: dems.orovalley@gmail.com

Helping the Obama Campaign $10 at a time.

Give Obama a Congress that will work with him!

The Obama Campaign needs to know you are with them. Click on this link and donate $10, you will be on the National Campaign's weekly e-mail reports list. Opportunities abound for grass-roots volunteers, a small donation puts you on the supporters list.

````````There is NO doubt, the Republicans in control of the Legislature, and all of state government in Arizona have funded Corporate Tax Dodges, Tax Cuts and special Corporation legislative favors on the backs of school children and with extreme reductions in funding for Public Education. The children of Arizona are expected to do with less educational opportunities so the elected GOP officals can pay back their wealthy campaign donors. ```````````````````````

Andrei Cherny, Arizona Democratic Party Chairman “Arizona Republicans hold all the power, and they’ve used it for all the wrong things. The result is that jobs are nowhere to be found, schools are forgotten, and our communities are silenced. We won’t stand for it, and we will hold them accountable in 2012 so Arizona can get back on the right track.”

Thursday, August 25, 2011

There is work to be done! Precinct by Precinct

"Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us.  The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country."  Franklin D Roosevelt

Free 2012 Obama Bumper Sticker..click here

A PRECINCT COMMITTEE PERSON (PC) is the lead party worker for the smallest unit of government--it's a neighborhood thing--the grassroots contact representing the Democratic Party to the voters in a specific precinct:  where elections are won or lost.  Neighborhood captains assist the PC.  It is their job to make sure the voters in their assigned precincts are registered, informed and prepared to get their vote to the ballot box.
Things you can do as a PC:

>> Make the party and the candidates visible by providing: signs, bumper stickers, buttons. Encourage letters to the editors supporting Democratic programs and ballots issues.

>> Introduce yourself to registered Democrats and Independents as you collect signatures for candidates or for ballot issues before the election.  Find out the voters interests and issues
and relate them to the Party and to elected officials.

>> Register Democrats, both recent arrivals and as they become 18-year-olds in your

>> Persuade more voters to vote Democratic: 
We are the MAINSTREAM Party that represents Middle Class interests. Frame our Democratic
Moral Values that have promoted public education, workers’ rights and preservation of our environment.  Distribute flyers and signs, invite people to DOV meetings. Give rides to the polls, but, better yet, encourage and help voters get on the Permanent Mail-in Ballots list. A much larger percentage of Democrats who are on this list actually cast their vote in any one election.


>> How Do I Become A Precinct Committee Person?
>> Usually Committee Persons are elected.  But when there is a need to fill vacancies,
they may be appointed. To ask questions or volunteer contact the elected Legislative District Chair.      
                                 We don't want to miss you, numbers you can call!

Brian Clymer, Chair of the Legislative District 26 Democratic Committee
Email: brianclymer @yahoo.com   for more details

Pima County Democratic  Headquarters 520.326.3716
State Democratic Office    602-298-4200

For information on how to become a Democratic Precinct Committeeperson or a member of an affiliated Democratic organization, please call us.
Arizona Democratic Party Headquarters  2910 North Central Avenue  Phoenix, AZ 85012GRASS ROOTS ORGANIZATION GETS THE VOTES INTO THE BALLOT BOX!

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