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````````There is NO doubt, the Republicans in control of the Legislature, and all of state government in Arizona have funded Corporate Tax Dodges, Tax Cuts and special Corporation legislative favors on the backs of school children and with extreme reductions in funding for Public Education. The children of Arizona are expected to do with less educational opportunities so the elected GOP officals can pay back their wealthy campaign donors. ```````````````````````

Andrei Cherny, Arizona Democratic Party Chairman “Arizona Republicans hold all the power, and they’ve used it for all the wrong things. The result is that jobs are nowhere to be found, schools are forgotten, and our communities are silenced. We won’t stand for it, and we will hold them accountable in 2012 so Arizona can get back on the right track.”

Monday, September 5, 2011

2012 and what Republicans wish they had never said.

Seniors now collecting benefits would not be cut off.  Workers over time would be shifted to private retirement accounts was proposed by former President George W. Bush six years ago only to see it flop.

Republican presidential front-runner. In his book published last year, "Fed Up," Texas Gov. Rick Perry explained that Social Security and Medicare were both unconstitutional, and that "by any measure, Social Security is a failure."   Perry labeled the two programs "Ponzi schemes," and warned that any idea that younger Americans would get their contributions back was a "monstrous lie."

Yet another Republican Senator said, "These programs actually weakened us as a people."  Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, everybody's favorite choice for vice president on the 2012 Republican ticket is another voice opposed to Social Security and Medicare as we know them today.

If you are receiving Social Security and have Medicare today, just one question.  Where would you be without them.  Do you think private retirement accounts invested in Wall Street would be serving you better?

Consider this virtually all House Republicans voted in April to completely redesign Medicare, to change it from a federal insurance program to a voucher program, with the vouchers over time covering less and less of the cost of private insurance. But with an eye on the highest-turnout voting groups, the plan would not affect anyone now over 55.

If you are under 55 consider this; are you willing to turn your health care over to the insurance companies and their ever increasing insurance rates?  Do want to take the chance they won't knock you off health insurance coverage after you retire and need it the most? 

It is very simple, when was the last time you heard a Republican say, Social Security is a government program that has been successful for the last 75 years and we need to protect it from Wall Street speculators and for profit insurance companies?  Ask yourself this question, do you want these Republicans in charge of your future? 

Take a look at the Republican Party Platform on Social Security:   Workers will have choice to invest their payroll taxes.... workers should be free to direct a portion of their payroll taxes to personal investments for their retirement future.   Anyone currently receiving Social Security, or close to it, will not be impacted by any changes.    Not a lot of reassurance if the wall street investors fail again!

Should you make your decision on which party to trust with your vote in the next presidential election on Medicare and Social Security alone?  No one expects Michele Bachmann to be the next Republican nominee for President, but consider this, would a Cabinet position be given this lady with such extreme views?

On Friday, August 26, 2011 Michele Bachmann said at a campaign event, "President Barack Obama "has virtually no one in his cabinet with private-sector experience."

PolitiFact is a project of the St. Petersburg Times to help you find the truth in politics and in reviewing Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachman's statement they rated her statement false.  They said,
"Even under the most restrictive definition, 27 percent of Obama’s Cabinet has what we consider pretty clear private-sector experience.  Bachmann still overstates her case by saying that "virtually no one" in Obama’s Cabinet has private-sector experience -- repeating a false claim that's been circulating for nearly two years. We rate her statement Pants on Fire."

But here is the top contender for the Republican Presidential nomination,  on Saturday, August 13th, 2011 in a speech at a house party in New Hampshire Rick Perry says Obama delivered $2 billion to Brazil to help offshore drilling.  What's the truth in that statement?

"This president goes to Brazil and delivers $2 billion to that country to help them with their offshore drilling projects," Perry said. "What are they thinking?"
PolitiFact of the 2009 Pulitzer Prize winner St. Petersburg Times states,  "But as we drilled down into this statement, we found an empty well. Obama didn't "deliver" any such thing during his visit to Brazil, and Obama had no connection to a much smaller loan guarantee that a Brazilian company ultimately got from the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Experts we interviewed said Perry was distorting the truth and wrongly characterizing what happened.

Perry’s claim is wrong in several ways. First, the number is wrong. Although there was an initial commitment for $2 billion, it ultimately became a $308 million loan guarantee. Second, Perry ignores that the Ex-Im Bank is an independent federal agency, and he is wrong to attribute its actions to Obama. The initial commitment came when it was controlled by Bush appointees. And although the Obama appointee voted for the $308 million loan guarantee, there is no evidence that it done at the behest of Obama."

PolitiFact:  "We rate this statement Pants on Fire – The statement is not accurate and makes a ridiculous claim."

Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is a sixth-term congressman representing the Seventh District of Virginia.  In speaking about disaster aid, he stated, the dollars spent on aid must come from offsets in the federal budget.  {A new measurement for emergency aid to severely hit areas of the country as a result of natural disasters.}

When Tropical Storm Gaston slammed into central Virginia in August 2004, U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor went all out to get federal disaster aid for his constituents.  Cantor flops position on disaster aid offsets on May 22, a tornado devastated Joplin, Mo., leaving 142 dead. Cantor, the next day voiced confidence the government would provide ample relief. But he said any supplemental emergency money would have to be offset by cuts to other federal programs.

Don't just consider Social Security and Medicare when you vote to reelect President Obama consider the alternatives.  Do you really want a Republican elected?

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